Inspired by the divine vision of our most respected Sadguru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi,our school is a second home to all our students as we have a very loving and dedicated team of teachers who cater to the diverse needs of children in providing a joyful learning environment.
Amrita Vidyalayam, Kozhikode, celebrated Brown Colour & Chocolate Day with enthusiasm, engaging students in a fun-filled learning experience.
Amrita Vidyalayam, Kozhikode, marked World Cancer Day with a series of awareness activities aimed at educating students and staff about cancer prevention and early detection.
Chocolate Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Amrita Vidyalayam, Kuthuparamba, for the Kindergarten section.
Amrita Vidyalayam, Kuthuparamba, observed World Cancer Day with a thought-provoking awareness session for students of Classes 5A and 5B.
The students of Classes 6A and 6B enthusiastically participated in the Healthy Food Day Celebration, an event designed to promote healthy eating habits and raise awareness about nutritious food choices.
26. Jun. 2024
The global campaign aims to raise awareness about the significant threat posed by illicit drugs to society, especially to the youth. Its goal is to mobilize support and encourage action against drug use
18. Jan. 2025
On June 27th, we organized a Teacher Training program led by our Principal, Mr. Saijan Kumar.
28. Jun. 2024
Leadership is not just a title but a demonstration through action and example. To foster leadership skills among our students, we celebrated Investiture Day on June 28th
12. Jul. 2024
Under the supervision of Primary Health Centre Pulpally, our school became a platform for the anti-rabies campaign. Students of classes VII and VIII attended the session